5 Easy Stretches to Help Ease Low Back Pain

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5 Easy Stretches to Help Ease Low Back Pain

Lifted that last box this weekend?
Sat just a little too long at the office?
Reached a bit too high for that thing on the top shelf?
Now your dealing with that painful, achy, low back.

You can (I would recommend, of course) book asap with your trusty West Houston massage therapist… and I know that sometimes you just can’t squeeze in that appointment. Thankfully there is a sequence of 5 easy stretches you can do at home… get this… in bed… morning and night that will help ease some your low back pain. These are stretched I will often do in conjunction with your West Houston Massage and recommend to clients to continue to do between appointments. Luckily WebMD has put together a short video to demonstrate how to do each of the exercises in this easing low back pain stretching sequence.

Ready to start alleviating some of that low back pain…
click here, this video is for you >>

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Aromatherapy Tip:

Sweet Birch, Lemongrass & Wintergreen are all essential oils that help ease inflammation.
If you are looking for good, warming blend to help with low back pain, try the “Ache No More Blend” from Essential7.com
You can find all these oils and more at an essential oil supplier I use and trust.

West Houston Massage Aromatherapy Supplier

West Houston  Aromatherapy Massage  Supplier
