Healing the World is Possible

Many choose to have a Mother Earth Archetype SoulCollage® Card in their Council Suit. In honor of Earth Day this Collage Chronicles includes: What is...

God’s wisdom made us lovers of one another. In fact, all the particles of the world are in love and looking for lovers. [info_bg pre_bg_color="" pre_text_color="black"...

... at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us....

  God gifts to parents the most precious, rewarding, and important job that has ever existed. It is also the hardest job… ever. There is a saying that...

I am a Quaker and I love me some oatmeal! I also love to envision a world where no one goes hungry. So, I LOVE...

~ Ora na azu nwa ~ Fab!Hubby and I have been blessed to spend our adolescent, young adult, and early marriage years within a support community...