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Iceland Volcano Pictures: Lightning Adds Flash to Ash Lightening flashing inside the volcano in Iceland. tags: national, geographic, iceland, ash, volcano, lightening Posted from Diigo. The rest of...

We attended Quaker meeting this Easter morning and surrounded by the silence, the breeze through the open window, and the sound of the birds outside...

FIRST-DAY THOUGHTS In calm and cool and silence, once again I find my old accustomed place among My brethren, here, perchance, no human tongue Shall utter words; where never...

A VALEDICTION FORBIDDING MOURNING by John Donne As virtuous men pass mildly away, And whisper to their souls to go, Whilst some of their sad friends do say, "Now his...

Flowchart & process diagram, Network diagram, BPMN diagrams, Sitemap, Organisation chart, Wireframe, business drawing software Want to dress up presentations or blog posts or any old...

I am a Quaker and I love me some oatmeal! I also love to envision a world where no one goes hungry. So, I LOVE...

~ Ora na azu nwa ~ Fab!Hubby and I have been blessed to spend our adolescent, young adult, and early marriage years within a support community...