Monday Motivation – The Person You’ve Become
“As you get older you will understand more and more that it’s not about what you look like or what you own, it’s all about...
Everyday Life, Home, Food, Fun, Family, & Fur.
Inspiration & Cheerleading for All You SoulCollagers
“The Collage Chronicles”™ Magazine
Rekindle Your Creative Fire: Explore 8 Sparks to Burn Through Creative Blocks. HearthMagic is a fun-filled, inspiring, lighthearted course designed to help you burn through blocks and Rekindle Your Creative Fire.
Your First SoulCollage ® Card in 7 Easy Steps: Found Images. Beautifully Collaged. Little Windows to Your Soul. All of you is Worthy & Worth knowing better.
Display your collage art, SoulCollage® & Oracle Cards, or Junk Journal Pages anywhere with royalty-free images.
SoulCollage® is an joy-filled, accessible and powerful expressive art process that can help you connect with yourself at deeper level. As a Certified SoulCollage® Facilitator, I want to welcome you to SoulCollage®!
Share your collage endeavors anywhere. Public Domain, Royalty-Free images you can use for your collage artwork and share online and in social media.
Step by step instructions, easy to use resources, gentle & nurturing guidance… Discover, Embrace & Celebrate Your Creative Self with online courses to support your creative journey.
“As you get older you will understand more and more that it’s not about what you look like or what you own, it’s all about... … Lavendar is calming, Lemon promotes joy… This would be a very loving, healing cake! Nina Matthews v
Started working on … it’s like working out at the gym… ‘cept for my brain. I probably should have signed up BEFORE I went...
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As a massage therapist I deal with folks and their bodies all day long… that’s my job AND it’s my passion. I am connected to...
I am all about TED and right now cause True Light Resources is doing all the creative for iFEST 2008 – Out Of Africa… I...
Massage reduces inflammation and promotes growth of new mitochondria following strenuous exercise, study finds…
Curating & Collaging the Best of the World Wide Web just for You! Free to use images, symbolism, inspiration & more for all those SoulCollage®...
Thanx to LMayes the Kirtsy Chicks for shining the spotlight on this Newsweek Article: THE MONEY CULTURE: Daniel Gross Houston, We Have No Problems Houston...
Need a pick me up… or a breath of fresh air? How ’bout a “it’s been a crazy day, the kids are wrestling, the pasta’s...
… what happens when the kids stay home from school. Well its the 2nd day of the year 2008… wow, I am actually a little...