The Collage Life

[info_bg pre_bg_color="red" pre_text_color="white" width="100%" text_align="left" hex_bg_color="" hex_text_color=""]"The intention of a SoulCollage® reading is to provide a way that our personal and powerful card images can...

The SoulCollage® cards in the Community Suit represent the people, pets, or places that hold a particularly strong charge in our lives. We can choose...

Our Committee Suit SoulCollage ® Cards consists of all our unique aspects. They are the parts of our personal self, created and framed by each...

[row][col_2] The Collage Chronicles™ By JJ Lassberg [/col_2][col_2] Hello My Fellow Collage Lovers! ​I am so thrilled to have the...

In the Companion Suit of our SoulCollage® deck, Seena invites us to use the subtle-energy field that interacts with our physical body. This energy is...