December 2019

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  • Essential Oils
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  • JJ Collages
  • JJ Cooks
  • JJ Crafts
  • JJ Creates
  • JJ Mama
  • JJ Markets
  • JJ Quilts
  • JJ Takes
  • Massage and Body Work
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[info_bg pre_bg_color="" pre_text_color="" width="100%" text_align="left" hex_bg_color="#FFFCC4" hex_text_color="#592C33"]May the dawn of the Winter Solstice chase the dark away, May it bring to you the promise of endless...

The SoulCollage® cards in the Community Suit represent the people, pets, or places that hold a particularly strong charge in our lives. We can choose...

"When the table is full, heavy with platters, wine glasses scattered, napkins twisted and crumpled, forks askew, dessert plates scattered with crumbs and icing, candles...

Our Committee Suit SoulCollage ® Cards consists of all our unique aspects. They are the parts of our personal self, created and framed by each...

[row][col_2] The Collage Chronicles™ By JJ Lassberg [/col_2][col_2] Hello My Fellow Collage Lovers! ​I am so thrilled to have the...

In the Companion Suit of our SoulCollage® deck, Seena invites us to use the subtle-energy field that interacts with our physical body. This energy is...

Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you. ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Geranium Essential Oil: Balancing, Nurturing, Lifting Did you know...