13 Oct Bead Store with Charm…
… bad pun totally intended.
I am just as impatient as the next person, and I (maybe more than most) and not particularly flexible or liking of change. So, when I put together the weekly grocery list or go to the book store for a particular item… I go to those big’ole chain stores. You know the ones where whether you are in Montgomery, Alabama or Houston, Texas – they are just the same. Everything is in the same place, mostly – and if its not… wow! I am really thrown off ’cause I expect to be. The liberal in me screams, "Down with Big Business!" The super-busy, business-owning, momma – just wants somethings in my life to be a little easier… I know, I know… I am totally brainwashed.
Then there are places that I go when I need some inspiration or a little pick me up or my soul needs stirring. I need/want to wander… meander… explore. I like that things have moved around a little. That the latest creations are now in the spotlight. I don’t go straight to the shelf for the thing I need… I gotta look at everything before I settle into making a decision.
Bead Atelier at 3838 N Shepherd Dr, is just such a place. Its small, its friendly, its funky, its fun! It has a that small town feel that makes me love my pocket of Houston.
Dear friends,
Bead Atelier is owned, created, operated and occupied by me, Jim Shade. I have been designing beaded jewelry since 1988. I gained my experience working at The Bead Shop in Rice Village here in Houston. I was their in-house designer and manager. Now, I am proud to say I have my own store.
The concept of Bead Atelier is to offer you a unique environment to create your own jewelry. I want to provide you an entertaining and nurturing atmosphere, quality customer service, free consultation and fashion-forward merchandise.
As quoted in OutSmart magazine (January 2005) …
"I hope to make it a haven for artists, musicians and other bead folks. This store is not just a bead shop for me, it’s more of a social outlet."
We’d love to hear from you.
Phone: 713-862-1223 (Much quicker!)
E-mail: [email protected]
Your favorite bead man, Jim ShadeP.S.