31 Mar Hello World – Again…
whew… what a couple of months it has been!
The Official "Out of Africa" Guide for iFest 2008 has been delivered to the Chronicle, the ads for all the locals mags are on the presses now and the billboards are up. WOW!
… and all along other project have been flowing in and out.
Lots of wonderful things are in the works for True Light and with the bulk of the iFest work complete and the actual festival itself quickly approaching, (quick FYI – tickets are half price right now online!!!) I feel excited and anticipatory. I also feel like I am taking in the light of day again. And believe it or not… I am really looking forward to doing iFest all over again next year.
So, I fell off the Social Networking wagon for a bit… but here I am… and Hello World, again.