30 Apr Backgrounds to Love
I gotta learn how to do this!
@ericaogrady sent a link to this site: http://ma.tt/ on twitter – and I LOVE it.
Check out the bottom.
I have been seeing a lot of sites with this sort’of design aspect.
The Satsu site is another great example of using a fabulous background with some awesome layering and you know how I love swirls and spirals.
This final example is the one I really want to figure out how the hell they do that!
I mean I dig it something major.
The content is presented so well and clean. Very easy to navigate, great use of CSS to control
content, so it looks wonderful and at the same time search engines pick up all those keywords.The thing I gotta figure out is how they make it work even as the window resizes.
So, I am off to do a little poking and experimenting. Will let you know what I find.