22 Jul My Favorite Thing About Houston Today
My favorite thing about H-Town today is our very smart, connected and passionate Web 2.0 community.
This morning I got an email that someone in Malaysia was following me on Twitter. That’s pretty dang cool! And I thought wouldn’t it be cool to see the people we are connected to on Twitter represented on a map… so, I twittered it. And within minutes I had not 1, but 2 different options:
- http://twittervision.com/ – lets you see in real time tweets coming in from all over the world. I could seriously just watch this go by ALL day long… but I can’t – no – I will fight the force, I will not get sucked in… noooo… sorry, I got sidetracked there for a minute. (thanx @brento – really, no really (please note the sarcasm which does not come through by simple typing alone))
- http://www.mmmeeja.com/blog/social-networking/twitter-followers-map.html – lets you Plot Your Twitter Followers On A Map. I haven’t had a chance to play around with it yet cause Brent sent me this really awesome (and time sucking) link above – but it looks pretty cool. (Thanx @Imelda)
And woven through everything I do today are the twitters, facebook posting, emails, etc broadcasting to the community that Tracey’s interview will be airing tonight on ABC World News. And I see so clearly that the whole schibang would not have happened without this magical, supportive community.
So, we’re fixin’ to gonna be famous ya’ll!
(Thanx a million to everyone & anyone who is spreading the news)