07 Aug My Favorite Thing About Houston Today
Well this is actually my favorite thing about yesterday – Aug. 06, 2008… The Day of Infamous Edoard.
I would have liked to post this yesterday, but with camp closed and being cooped up in the house with AK & The Z-Man (6 & 4 year olds) meant as much as I would have liked to take the day to lounge around and catch up in the Social Media world… it just wasn’t happening. I made it my goal to finish (super)hero camp concepts and then move onto kid friendly activities like making cookie bars and watching “The Princess Bride.”
Through it all Fab!Hubby (@lassberg) and I kept checking on the weather to see were we really about to get slammed by the Tropical Storm Edoard and quickly float away?
What I liked most about Houston yesterday was that Web 2.0 news we kept tabs on was the most grounded and informative news we got yesterday.
Blogs and Twitter posts were so much more informative and real than “Traditional” media outlets.
Here are 3 of my favorites:
- Houston Chronicle’s SciGuy: http://blogs.chron.com/sciguy/archives/hurricanes/edouard/
- Houston Chronicle’s Dwight Silverman: http://blogs.chron.com/hurricanes/2008/08/stormwatchers_on_blogs_and_twi.html
- Jenny The Bloggess for The Chronicles Good Mom/Bad Mom: http://blogs.chron.com/goodmombadmom/2008/08/belly_laughs.html