23 Feb #10. Potty Jokes are Still Funny: Top 10 Take Aways from the Mom 2.0 Summit
Forget all the amazing women, the introductions to some pretty kick-ass technology, and a dramatic reading of The Bloggess (more on that later, never you worry) we go straight back to pre-school for my #10 take away… Potty jokes are still funny… but hey when you laughed as hard as I did, its memorable.
eschipul: Weird. No lines for the men’s restroom? #mom2summit
kamichat: Love this: RT @eschipul: Weird. No lines for the men’s restroom? #mom2summit
cpembyrun: Just called @jjlassberg from the bathroom phone at the four seasons. All my dreams have come true. #mom2summit
MagsMac: RT @cpembyrun: Just called @jjlassberg from the bathroom phone at the four seasons. All my dreams have come true. #mom2summit