05 Mar #2. How to Successfully Market to Women: Top 10 Take Aways from the Mom 2.0 Summit
Yes, I know it is a bold statement…
… and the answer is a simple one…
… and there is no easy blanket approach to accomplishing it…
Want to successfully market to a woman? Treat her like a human not a statistic – ask her about her, then shut-up and listen.
Here is something to chew on… 83% of purchase decisions are made by women. That’s right… 83%. I think it is easy to say to all the marketers out there who want to increase their sells, successfully marketing to women will do the job.
Need more incentive to focus you marketing efforts on women? Consider this… we are incredibly loyal. If we find a company that will listen, that has a product that does a good job, that has in some way inspired us… we will use it forever and tell everyone of our girlfriends about it (which maybe the 100,0oo+ women who read our blog.) And it works in the opposite as well… blunder an attempt, insult us, do harm… and we will talk about it – A Lot!
Need a little help getting started… one brilliant suggestion that came out of the open dialogs at the Mom 2.0 Summit panels is to hire a successful woman blogger to act as your bridge. If you choose to use this approach, please go back to the top and read this post again. Do not consider all woman bloggers for this… each blog is owned by a woman, who is an individual, who may or may not fit the demographic of you campaign. Get it right and you have advocate for life… get it wrong and there may be hell to pay.