03 Mar #4. Content is still King: Top 10 Take Aways from the Mom 2.0 Summit
We have a saying at Schipul… Content is King… Or Queen shall we say for this post…
And I heard time and time again in the Mom 2.0 panels that GOOD content is what will draw your audience to you. Whether you are an individual women looking to grow your personal brand’s influence and followers or you are corporate marketing looking for ways to connect with the women who buy your product… content is the number one tool for your success or demise.
Every blog post, tweet, facebook status, email, etc… is an opportunity to stand out.
Be it funny, entertaining, enlighting, or educational… the content you put out there is more important than any crazy hair-brained gimick you come up with.
(Thanx to MarkWallace for the pic)