08 Dec Moment of Peace – Best of 2009
Gwen Bell’s #best09 cont… December 8 Moment of peace. An hour or a day or a week of solitude. What was the quality of your breath? The state of your mind? How did you get there?
There is a space of time when I staff a Woman Within Weekend that I walk out onto Mother Earth and ask her to hold anything that is distracting and keeping me from me being present to the moment. I so look forward to that moment… I visualize all the little and big things in my life at the time… things that are not happening right now… things I won’t be able to do anything about for 3 days… and I release those things into Mother Earth’s loving care – knowing she will hold them tenderly so that I can be totally present – mind, body and soul – to the healing that occurs on “The Weekend”. We only hold the Woman Within spiritual retreat weekend here in our region 4 times a year and I always try to staff because it is nice to be reminded at a cellular level every 3 months that the world will continue to turn, Fab!Hubby will take amazing, loving care of ours boys, client work will get done the exact moment it is meant to get done, etc… while I take time to be available to myself and to other women who are seeking to find themselves and change their own lives for the better.
Thanx for the pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/31157339@N00/176161917/