On Transitions, Journeys, and Leaving Schipul


On Transitions, Journeys, and Leaving Schipul

I began a journey.
Thirteen years ago, I chose to begin…
I set my compass for enlightened living, a conscious connection to The Light, and then looked down at my feet… took the smallest step forward, and then another, and then another…
Each lesson along the way, each teacher that appeared as I was ready, each experience, each moment of spiritual growth, each layer shed that revealed another layer deeper still, the next smallest step forward, and then another, and then another…
I arrive at today.
Today I feel more grounded, more connected, more centered, enlightened, trusting, loving, open… alive than ever before. The archetypal energies within me have never been more aligned.
The Queen took measure of the needs of those in my life – family, friends, co-workers, clients – and decided on a change towards more balance.
The Warrior stuck her sword in the ground, loosed her battle cry
The Mother worked in unison with The Universe, created the logistical support.
The Crone held the wisdom, the knowing, that I am loved and worthy of the dreams and destiny I imagine for myself.
I arrive at today.

“What if we truly believed there is a God — a beneficent order to things, a force that’s holding things together without our conscious control? What if we could see, in our daily lives, the working of that force? What if we believed it loved us somehow, and cared for us, and protected us? What if we believed we could afford to relax?”  ~ Marianne Williamson “A Return to Love

Today I end this phase of my journey.
Today I step more fully into the belief that I can afford to relax.
Today is my last day working full time, away-from home.
Tomorrow I begin the next phase of my journey.
Tomorrow I more balance the needs of family and clients and myself.
Tomorrow I begin to work on my own, part-time, from home.
Tomorrow, I get the great honor, privileged and joy of getting to spend more time with my family.
(Each phase of my journey has given me to opportunity to learn what I needed to be successful in the next. I feel this very intensely around this particular transition. My time as part of the Schipul tribe has been amazing. I have never felt so supported, encouraged, and valued in my professional career as I have in the past few years working at Schipul. I see the Schipul team soaring towards such wonderful success and I wish them all well on their journey. I know that they wish me well on mine. )
♥ Thanx a million for the pic! http://www.flickr.com/photos/98799884@N00/430474331/