06 Nov Fear: The Crippler or The Sage?
I have struggled with fear for as long as I can remember… as a child hypervigilance kept me safe, as an adult this level of anxiety doesn’t serve me. At times I have allowed my fears to freeze me – keeping me from being present and open to love available to me in my relationships. Fear can still cripple me, block my creative process, distract me from the blessings in my life leaving me irritable and discontent. I am so grateful that today I spend a majority of my time standing in the space of power, in the space of choice. Fears that distract me from the present moment, that overwhelm me are flipped into positive affirmations. I can also choose to dive into the darkness of a fear and discern what is this fear trying to teach me or show me… fear can present an opportunity for spiritual evolution. I discovered this TED Talk today by author Karen Thompson Walker. I love how she shines a new light on the topic of fear.
Kevin Dooley via Compfight