11 Aug AMTA: Houston Unit Meeting & Save Your Hands CE
I am looking forward to the American Massage Therapy Association Houston Unit Meeting coming up on Sept 7th in Clear Lake… their offering a “Save Your Hands” continuing education course… and of course opportunity to connect with other Houston area massage therapists.
If you want to get a feel for what I learn in the course, be sure to schedule your massage quickly and easily online now >>
AMTA: Houston Unit CE Class and Business Meeting
Sept 7, 2014, 12:00 to 4:30pm
Texas School of Massage (in Clear Lake)
17043 El Camino Real, Suite 201
Houston, Texas 77058
We will be electing officers for 3 positions:
Chair, Co-Chair and Treasurer
We need YOU!
CE Class:
Save Your Hands!®
A 3 hour Introduction to Injury Prevention for Massage Therapists
The work that manual therapists do is physically demanding. Practitioners often use repetitive movements, hand force, static loading and awkward postures in their work, all recognized risk factors for developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). The therapist’s age, general health, previous injuries and other personal physical and emotional factors are additional risk factors. It is not surprising to learn that, as a result of these factors, manual therapists experience high rates of MSDs.
This program is comprehensive in its approach to injury prevention and is detailed in Save Your Hands! The Complete Guide to Injury Prevention and Ergonomics for Manual Therapists, 2nd Edition. Our continuing education courses give therapists the foundations of injury prevention and ergonomics in convenient online and in-person formats with CE credits. More information about the SYH program visit the SYH website: www.saveyourhands.com
The 3 hour class being offered on September 7th will give attendees an overview of the entire SYH program in addition to information and hands on examples of how we can work to protect ourselves.
See You There!