15 Dec Why Massage Therapists Should Be Blogging
At the end of the day, when all the flashy sales pitches fade and the confetti of social media chatter is disregarded, what people really want is to do business with people they like and trust… especially hands on, healing arts practitioners. It takes an incredible leap of faith for someone to book a massage or aromatherapy or acupuncture or {insert healing arts modality here}… appointment with a new provider. We’re asking folks day in and day out to trust us, to allow us to touch them, to interact with them at a level of closeness most reserve for only their friends and family… and its our chosen profession… and to that end, its what pays the bills. So, how to balance the financial needs of the practitioner looking to grow their business and the needs of new clients looking for someone who will help them. This is where your massage blog comes in.
Connect. Define. Add… The Top 3 Reasons for Massage Therapists to be Blogging
Connect: It may have worked in “Field of Dreams,” but for most of us a “build it, and they will come” business plan isn’t going to ensure success. Your massage blog is an incredible opportunity for folks to connect with you and get to know you, like you, and trust you enough to book that first appointment. Your massage blog also gives you the opportunity to share how people can connect with you the way they want to… if they want to email you, your email address and contact form are available… if they want to call you, your business number is listed… OK with clients texting you? List your cell… and then there are all the social network marketing avenues available as well. Harness the connecting power of blogging to your advantage and it can help your practice grow.
Define: Many massage therapists and healing arts practitioners have discovered how helpful defining and marketing their niche massage services can be in growing a business. Finding our particular passion and specializing in those services helps us stand out in the vast array of healing arts offerings. Blogging is extraordinarily beneficial in defining your specialized approach for potential clients. Blog posts, listing of specialized services, and calls to actions for your current marketing specials can all be used to help potential clients understand what kind of healing they will experience with you that they won’t get anywhere else… spurring them into booking that first new appointment.
Add: We are working in a value added world… people want more and more and more bang for their buck… and I get it, so do I. I want to feel like I have gotten the absolute best value for the money I spend on everything… and so does everyone else. So, how to then satisfy clients and not give away the farm? Blogging allows you to give away that extra added-on experience, knowledge, how-to, tip & trick that will extend your massage clients experience while allowing you to focus on the hands-on part of your healing practice. What do we hear on a daily basis, “Oh, why does the massage ever have to end?” Use your blog to post information that will allow your clients to extend the treatment they received from you well after their visit and they will feel like their session just kept on going.
Ready to Get Started on Your Massage Therapy Blogging Adventure?
Ready to get started? I suggest all bloggers make use of the powerful WordPress blogging platform. You can learn more about using WordPress for your massage blog and how to get started here >>
Not sure you want to take on getting started alone? No worries. My passion for body work includes helping other healing arts practitioners succeed. Check out my Modern Marketing services to see if we can work together >>