21 Dec Winter Solstice Essential Oil Diffuser Blend
[info_bg pre_bg_color=”” pre_text_color=”” width=”100%” text_align=”left” hex_bg_color=”#FFFCC4″ hex_text_color=”#592C33″]The wheel of the year has turned once more,
and the nights have grown longer and colder.
Tonight, the darkness begins to retreat,
and light begins its return once again.
As the wheel continues to spin,
the sun returns to us once more.
Even in the darkest hours,
even in the longest nights,
the spark of life lingered on.
Laying dormant, waiting, ready to return
when the time was right.
The darkness will leave us now,
as the sun begins its journey home.
As the wheel turns, light returns.
The light of the sun has returned to us,
bringing life and warmth with it.
The shadows will vanish, and life will continue.
We are blessed by the light of the sun.
Find a full Yule Ritual at How To Welcome Back the Sun for Yule
Get inspired! View the Winter Solstice pins now.
The Shortest Day, The Longest Night. Welcome the Returning Light.
The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, each day after the sun will shine just a bit longer, and we will move through Spring and into Summer. This is historically a time of celebration. When we lived our lives in connection with the harvest, a long, bitter Winter could be a time of lack, want, sickness, dread, and loss. But the Solstice meant an end of the fear of not enough… Spring was coming and with it new life. This is a day for rejoicing. The earth and what has been lying dormant in your life will bloom anew.
You are worthy and deserving of The Light. What dreams lay dormant in your life that are awakening to bloom?