Winter Solstice Bliss Essential Oil Diffuser Blend

aromatherapy archive jj creates

Winter Solstice Bliss Essential Oil Diffuser Blend

[info_bg pre_bg_color=”” pre_text_color=”” width=”100%” text_align=”left” hex_bg_color=”#FFFCC4″ hex_text_color=”#592C33″]May the dawn of the Winter Solstice chase the dark away,
May it bring to you the promise of endless brand new days,
May all your sorrows vanish, and all your dreams come true,
And may The Light of the Winter Solstice always shine on you.
Learn more about the Winter Solstice and find free-to-use Winter Solstice images for your SoulCollage® Cards >>

May the blessings of The Light be on you – Light without and Light within.

When we lived our lives in concert with the seasons, a long, bitter Winter could be a time of lack, hunger, sickness, fear, and loss. The Winter Solstice was a time of celebration – a mark to the ending of the season of not enough and the beginning of The Light returning. Spring was around the corner and with it the bounty of a new year, a new season, new life blooming. The Winter Solstice was a day to rejoice. Many of the ways our ancestors celebrated have been woven into our Holiday traditions today, so whichever way you choose to spend your Holidays – this essential oil diffuser blend can help you find the bliss of the season.

You are worthy and deserving of bliss. What gifts are laying dormant in your life that could spring a new in the coming months?

Winter Solstice Bliss Essential Oil Diffuser Blend

    • 2 drops Wintergreen essential oil
    • 3 drops Bergamot essential oil
    • 2 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
    • 3 drops Frankencense essential oil

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