02 Apr The Power of Affirmations: Create the Life You Want
Today, and every day, I choose to be happy
I deserve whatever good comes my way today
Today is rich with opportunities and I open my heart to receive them all
Can you read those lines and believe them? Can you at least read them and not laugh… or cry? Are negative thoughts, fears, and patterns keeping you from your joy, from your creativity, from your abundance?
In this very moment, right now, you have everything you need to begin to create the love-filled, joyful, abundant life you are worthy of. Your thoughts and your beliefs can change your life for the better. We can shape our lives when we learn to focus our thinking and speaking on positive patterns.
What Are Positive Affirmations?
An affirmation is the expression of a strong belief. It is confirmation… validation… conviction. It is a statement of fact. But how can this help us begin a new path? Often times, an affirmation is nurturing the belief that something is true when we are perceiving quite the opposite in our lives… but that is the power of positive affirmations. Our subconscious doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination. When we create and hold an affirmation in the forefront of our thoughts, that turns into action in the direction of what we want, which turns into the fruition of our affirmations.
“I have wonderful friends.”
If I find I am in a pattern of friendship with people who are always receiving my support but never offering support in return, I may identify that I want emotionally balanced friendships. But if I continue to act and focus on the lack in my existing friendships I will only get more of the same. I can begin with the statement, “I am so grateful for the emotionally balanced friendships I have,” or more simply, “I have wonderful friends.” In the beginning, this may feel, quite frankly, like a lie. However, when I hold this belief I will be able to see the small sparks of it begin to manifest – perhaps a friend texts me to simply say, “Thinking of you.” I can celebrate this moment and begin to see them happen more and more frequently. I continue to affirm my wonderful friendships and soon I begin to make choices that support this belief as a reality in my life.
An affirmation can be the catalyst. It can be the acknowledgement that you are taking responsibility for some behavioral pattern that is not working for you anymore. Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation of something. Our internal dialog constantly affirms positive or negative patterns in our lives. By consciously choosing words, thoughts, and imagery is support of a desired change, we can remove something from our life and help create space for something new.
By consciously choosing words, thoughts, and imagery is support of a desired change, we can remove something from our life and help create space for something new.
Changing our thought pattern can be difficult. Our beliefs can be patterns we learned as children or in our first adult relationships. We learned behaviors and thought patterns that kept us safe and many of these patterns continue to work well in our lives today. However, there can be those are that are actually keeping us stuck, keeping us from moving into the new spaces and relationships we want for ourselves.
Every criticism, every protest, every gripe is an affirmation of the thing you don’t want in your life. Every time you find yourself the victim, you’re affirming that you want to continue to feel like a victim. If you constantly affirm that The Universe isn’t giving you what you want, you certainly will never have the abundance you deserve.
It does take dedication to change an old, limiting thought pattern. That negative pattern has existed for much longer than the new pattern – and it’s much easier and more comfortable to fall into these “trust-worthy” habits… “After all,” they whisper to us, “we are the ones keeping you safe!”
Affirmations are like seeds. We have to plant them in fertile soil, nurture them, shower them in light and celebrate their growth.
That’s why just saying the affirmation is only part of your success. Affirmations are like seeds. We have to plant them in fertile soil, nurture them, shower them in light and celebrate their growth. The more you can incorporate this new belief into your life the quicker the affirmations can work.
You can begin today, right now, to make a change… think happy thoughts, it’s that simple and that doable. Realize the way you choose to think today is just that… a choice. It may not happen overnight, but you can plant the small seed of change today.
Affirmation of the Day: It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.
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