24 Apr Massage Motivation: A broken body isn’t a broken person
As a massage therapist I deal with folks and their bodies all day long… that’s my job AND it’s my passion. I am connected to and affirm the belief that we all deserve to feel good INSIDE our bodies. It has nothing to do with what our bodies look like. We may be a space where we want to make different choices for our bodies… to make changes to the shape of our bodies… that does not, in any way, have anything to do with the right to feel good. Nor does the shape of our bodies have any thing to do with our rights to be happy and confident and grateful and inspired and inspiring in our lives. The shapes of our bodies or what we can or can not do with them does not determine our worthiness. I stumbled across this TEDx Talk that I think is a marvelous story of a woman who let’s her spirit soar regardless of the body she is contained in:
The philosopher Lao Tzu once said, “When you let go of what you are, you become what you might be.” I now know that it wasn’t until I let go of who I thought I was that I was able to create a completely new life. It wasn’t until I let go of the life I thought I should have that I was able to embrace the life that was waiting for me.
Janine Shepherd: A broken body isn’t a broken person
TEDxKC · Filmed September 2012 · 18:57