29 Jun The Collage Chronicles™ Summer 2020
Hello My Fellow Collage Lovers!
I am so excited to share with you the Summer 2020 edition of The Collage Chronicles™. With each new edition I am continuing to endeavor to Curate & Collage the Best of the World Wide Web just for You! Each edition is a collection of free to use images, symbolism, inspiration & more for all you SoulCollage®, DIY Oracle Card, Collage Artists and Art Journal fans out there.
As always, all the images are Public Domain, Royalty-Free images you can use for your collage, Oracle Card Decks and SoulCollage® endeavors. You are free to adapt and use all the images, even for commercial purposes, without attributing the original photographer or source.
You can post SoulCollage® Cards made with the images in The Collage Chronicles™ to all of your social media profiles.[/col_2][/row]
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If you have recently gotten a copy of The Collage Chronicles™, I hope you have meandered into the fun, fulfilling world of SoulCollage® just as I did years ago.
All the aspects of you are worthy and worth knowing better.
All of you is welcome here… come on in… wander around… get inspired… go collage!
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Why Use Royaly-Free Images for Your SoulCollage® Cards
SoulCollage® does not advocate copying or infringing on the copyrighted work of others in any way.
SoulCollage® cards are made for personal use.