26 Feb #7. Mom’s are all a-twitter about twitter: Top 10 Take Aways form Mom 2.0 Summit
Fab!Hubby walked in Sunday morning and announced, “Twitter is main stream!” He relaid he had heard 5 different references to Twitter in his 30 minute drive back from a job site he was checking on. And I have to agree with him… a large portion of the Mom 2.0 Summit was focused on Twitter. Lots of talk about twitter, lots of #mom2summit twittering on twitter, lots of intro’s and how-to’s for twitter users (more on that later) and I decided to take the opportunity to put down pencil and paper and take up the challenge of live twitter note taking. It turns out, posting out the things I want to remember in 140 characters or less was actually quite useful.
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jjLassberg: Over and over and over again the theme to being successful in marketing today is be human!!! Start a conversation, have a relationship #mom2
jjLassberg: http://twitpic.com/1llm1 – @ericaogrady party-harty #mom2
jjLassberg: OH: oh my god JJ, there is a phone in here!!! #fourseasonroompotty #mom2
denaoutloud: @jjlassberg is showing me twitter #mom2. yippie.
jjLassberg: http://twitpic.com/1l98t – Add baby holder to job description of mediator at #mom2
jjLassberg: Ditto @ToThink Ditto! RT @eMom: You know what I would <3 at #mom2? Some kind of list or script to enable me to follow all the attendees….
jjLassberg: OH: I talk about vibrators on my blog so that works for me #mom2
jjLassberg: If you are blogging your a writer, if you are twittering you are short writer #mom2
jjLassberg: @eschipul just rub it in! #mom2 #bathrooms
jjLassberg: Women customize everything… Want me to buy? Let me customize #mom2
jjLassberg: OH: “moms don’t buy our products… Um, the gator-aid didn’t just walk into my house” #mom2
jjLassberg: Marketers… Don’t tell… Ask!!! Don’t tell me to buy… Ask me about me… Sound familiar #mom2
jjLassberg: Women trust each other… Not corporations, goverment, doctors, journalists #mom2
jjLassberg: Moms who blog should me time person of the year #mom2
jjLassberg: What’s missing in branding and marketing is the emotional connection to women #mom2
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